Did the little punk..er..Rivian... and that damn bear of his tell you it was ok to come in here? SHOO!

:sigh: Ok. I'll tell you, if you're that interested... my name is Marien Annwyfn.. I was a gear pilot for Solaris.. until I regained my memories of being kidnapped from Aveh as a child.

That's all I'm going to tell you right now. If you want to learn more, you'll just have to go check out Deus Ex Machina: the Xenogears Interactive Fiction. My story, Rivian's, and many others are being told there right now.

DeM Character Info (if you're into that sort of thing) ^.~
deathblows/ ether
Ymir Stats
/ ether
Furis Stats
Vundrel Stats


Marien   Rivian  

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xenogears is the property of SquareSoft, Inc. and this site is in no way intended to infringe upon their rights, or the rights of any other copyright holders involved with xenogears. it is simply an act of fannish appreciation for my favorite game of all time.