Fear of Falling
a Tales of Destiny story [Stahn x Garr]

Stahn, Garr, and all other characters and names are property of Namco and their appropriate copyright holders.
This work of fiction is not meant as an infringement of any rights, and is simply an act of fannish appreciation for an AWESOME game.

It was one of those falling dreams that Stahn hatedhatedHATED, only this time, he was trapped in a big metal egg.. Being chased by terrible creatures...

Stahn was cold and hurt in his dream.. More so than he=d ever been in a dream before.. And someone..Dymlos? Who was Dymlos? He knew that name.. Someone was talking to him

AStahn.. Please...Get up.. Don=t go to sleep....@


Dimly he was aware of another voice... it didn=t have the odd metallic tang that Dymlos= voice had, instead, it carried a gentle, human resonance.

A..can you hear me?..@

Stahn tried to pull himself out of cold, dark depths he was treading water in, to tell the voice that he was ok.. But he couldn=t manage it, and he felt he was being lifted up, strong and safe, the voice talking to him, but he couldn=t understand the words, could only hear their soft, deep tone.


Stahn awoke with a small, groggy start, blinking wide blue eyes, trying to figure out where he was... but where ever it was, it was warm. He smiled a little bit and stirred, suddenly becoming aware of a weight on him...he looked down at the strong, amber arms encircling him.

He turned red immediately, fidgeting, but half not wanting to disturb whoever it was. A...mmph.. You=re awake?@ came the deep reply, the voice from his dream rumbling against Stahn=s back. AUhm.. Yes?@ Stahn squeaked.

The solid warmth behind him pulled away, and the bed shifted. AYou were kind of a mess when I found you..@ Stahn rolled over to look into what had to be the most beautiful male face he=d ever seen.. Amber-gold and framed with snow-silver hair..deep blue eyes, winter midnight to Stahn=s summer sky blue ones, looking him over with concern.

AMaster Alba patched you up..@ one hand, marked by sword callouses, gently touched one of the bandages on Stahn=s shoulder. AYou were suffering from some pretty bad exposure, though.. You were cold all the way to the bone..@ He smiled. There was the hint of the wolf in the young man=s smile, but Stahn didn=t find it threatening. AI=ve been keeping you warm..@ One amber hand brushed back Stahn=s sun-gold hair, and the young swordsman blushed.

AWh..where am I?@ He finally managed to stammer out, dragging himself out of his new companion=s beautiful eyes.

AYou=re deep in the mountains of Phandaria..@ he offered, swinging his legs off the bed. Stahn turned a deeper shade of red when he realized he was looking at the man.. Naked.. Small scars here and there marred the lean body, but it was the golden, graceful form of a hunter. As he pulled on a heavy blue woolen robe, Stahn took the moment to peer under the covers he was buried in.. His own pale, slim body bruised and battered.. And equally unclothed.

AYou were kind of a mess..@ The silver haired young man offered apologetically as he sat back down next to Stahn. AGod.. Where are my manners.. I=m Garr..@

AGarr.. Thank you..@ Stahn tried to fight down the blush he felt burning his face. AYou=re welcome.. It was my pleasure..@ he added, bending to place a light kiss on Stahn=s forehead, the silver hair brushing against the younger man=s chest.

AYour stuff=s in the corner. Alba cleaned up your armor as best he could... you want to tell me what you were doing passed out, face down in the snow by the lake?@ Garr asked as tactfully has he could.

AI was on a flying dragon... it was attacked.. I escaped.. There were monsters everywhere..@ Stahn squirmed at the whole memory of his ill-fated stowage aboard the Draconis. Garr looked surprised and distressed at the news.. And Stahn felt his own distress at causing that.. Such a serious face on such a young man..

AYou should probably rest some more. I=ll see about getting you some soup.@ Garr covered his concern for the dragon with concern for his guest, Stahn could see. ANo no.. I=m fine.. I=m..@ he sat up, only to flop back down again. AI=m maybe going to lie here a couple of more minutes..@

Garr smiled that faintly wolfish smile at him again. AGood for you. I=ll be back in a moment..@

Stahn watched him vanish down a flight of stairs, then sat up and looked around. It was a cabin.. Solidly made, everything smelling of wood and warmth. Stahn wrapped one of the blankets around him, and took a quick inventory of his things.

Dymlos was missing.

Stahn was panicked, tottering on his feet in a moment. He daren=t lose Dymlos after everything that had just happened. Behind him, he heard Garr=s voice. AWhat=s the matter?@

A.. My sword.. Dymlos.. Where=s..?@

Garr set the mug of soup he=d been carrying down, and eased Stahn back onto the soft bed. ADymlos is in the other room.. He=s ok..@ he said soothingly, brushing back Stahn=s unruly hair. AYou want to go get him?@

ANo.. No.. That=s ok.. He=s ok?@ Garr nodded at him. AI don=t think he likes me much..@ his low chuckle thrummed in Stahn=s ears, comforting as the heavy blankets. Stahn was incredibly tired... it wasn=t until he was almost asleep again, that it struck him as odd Garr would refer to Dymlos as he... not ..it..

It was snowing when Stahn woke up again, a soft tapping against the thick-paned windows of the cabin. He sat up slowly this time, filled with a surprising disappointment that he was alone. He felt better though.. Even if the bruises from the ordeal with the Draconis still ached. He started to dress gingerly, when footsteps on the stairs startled him.

Even in light armor and heavy boots, Garr had a soft footfall, though. Stahn took a deep breath. AScared me!@ he blurted out, wincing as he pulled on his shirt. AMy apologies..@ that soft chuckle again as he set his bow against the wall. AGlad to see you up and about. Need some help?@ Even as he asked though, he was helping Stahn struggle the shirt on, leaving a trail of gooseflesh wherever Garr=s fingers brushed him. ATh..thanks.. You=ve been so kind..@

AMaster Alba did all the work of patching you up.. He=s downstairs.. Where are you planning to go?@ Stahn shivered as Garr=s fingers ran through his hair, helping free it from his shoulder pauldrons.

AI *was* going to Seinegald..I=m seeking my fortune in the world.....@ Stahn started sourly, thinking about the carnage aboard the Draconis again. AYou=re in luck, then.. There=s a border town.. Janos.. Not too far from here..when you feel like you=re ready to go, I=ll take you there if you want, Stahn....@

There was a faint tinge of disappointment in Garr=s voice, which Stahn could have just as easily imagined, but then.. AYou know my name? What.. Do you read minds or something?@

AOr something.@ Garr said enigmatically, a wolfling smile reaching all the way into his midnight eyes. Stahn blushed again. He=d probably babbled his own name out while unconscious... and nestled in the safe haven of the hunter=s arms.... that thought brought the the blush on his cheeks to bonfire proportions, and Garr was looking at him strangely.

AAre you ok?@ Stahn nodded vigorously, if mutely, for a moment. AFine. Fine. Just feeling a little..ah.. flushed.......Can I get Dymlos? I feel a little naked..@ (Bad choice of words...the blush burned higher at the remembrance of the sleek, lupine grace under Garr=s blue and silver clothing. More than a blush, stirring, as well.) A..without him.@

Garr nodded seriously (that serious face again, Stahn thought.. He=s too young to have such an old look sometimes..) and led Stahn downstairs into the dining area, where Dymlos rested on a table. ADymlos!! You=re ok!@ Stahn blurted out, picking up the gleaming red and gold swordian, only to be met with a ringing, metallic silence in his head. AHey. We=re alive.. Aren=t you going to say anything?@


ALike I said. I don=t think Dymlos likes me much.@ Garr offered with the same seriousness.

Stahn was torn between questioning his new friend and trying to shake some sense into the taciturn blade, when an old man entered. AAh. I see your young guest has awoken.@ Under his heavy green robes, Stahn could see the old man=s arms were roped with tight muscle.. Years of some exertion had shaped them. AStahn, this is Master Alba..@ Garr added quietly.

ASir, thank you..@ Stahn beamed at the old man. AGarr said you were the one who patched me up.. I feel almost as good as new.@ Alba chuckled, pushing up his glasses. ATry and stay out of such dire troubles, young man.@ he chuckled. ABut I=m glad you=re up and about.@ He nodded as if thinking to himself a moment, before turning to Garr.. AIf you could, Chelsea=s been gone quite a while.. It=ll be rather dark soon, and..I have some things for her to do..@

Garr nodded. AOf course Master Alba.. I=ll be happy to go track her down for you. Stahn, if you=ll excuse me..@

Stahn stiffened up a little. AI=ll help you look for her!@ There was nothing quite like helping people in need, he=d discovered over the years.. Stahn rather liked the feeling of it. Besides, a small, nagging part in the back of his brain reminded him, he also rather liked being around the silver-gold hunter in his fine blue leathers. A..please?@ he added hastily.

Garr laughed quietly. AIf you=re feeling up to it, sure. Thanks.@ He clapped Master Alba on the shoulder. ADon=t worry. We=ll have her back safe and sound before dark.@


Wrapped in heavy cloaks, they trudged out into the snow. The air had that peculiar heaviness it took on during a heavy snowfall, as huge, fluffy snowflakes drifted down from an steel-grey sky like so many feathers, gilding the cabin, and the pines and aspen trees around it in shimmering white.

They made their way down a narrow path, snow and pine branches crunching under their feet. AFeels hard to breathe..@ Stahn wondered out loud. From in front, Garr nodded. AIt=s the altitude.. If you=re used to sea level.. It=s harder to get around up here.. The air=s thinner..@ Stahn made a little Ahmph@, scrambling to keep up with his new friend=s longer stride.

ASo..how=d.. You find me, anyways?@ he huffed out as the hunter paused to look for the faint tracks vanishing in the snowfall. Garr unfolded back to his full height, and cocked his head, looking at Stahn. AI was looking for dinner, actually, when I heard the impact of that escape pod... by the time I found it, you=d gotten yourself out of it, and into the snowbank.@ He chuckled then, brushing the snow from Stahn=s bangs with one heavy glove.

On an impulse, Stahn caught the gloved hand with one of his own, giving Garr a nervous smile. AYou saved my life.. I.. Thanks...@ In the silent snowfall, it was as though the world had taken a breath and held it.

They stood there for several long heartbeats, unable to look away from each other as the white puffs drifted down around them. AGarr.. I...@ Stahn=s voice was muted in the muffling white. AI..@

The hunter=s deep blue eyes suddenly widened in alarm, and Stahn found himself being roughly shoved out of the way, a bone-chilling roar shattering the silence into a million frozen, fragile shards. He tumbled into the white drifts, his hand already finding Dymlos= hilt as he regained his footing to see Garr=s bow splinter under the force of the monstrous beast-bear=s claws. The creature backhanded the young hunter with a peculiar sound, heavy and wet, yet strangely brittle, and Garr slumped bonelessly into the snow.

ANO!@ Dymlos cut the air with a singing sound, leaving an arc of red echo behind it as Stahn swung the Swordian, it=s edge biting deep into the bear. He felt energized with the living blade in his hands, but the bear was huge, shrugging off the injury like a fly sting. (He=s like a mule.. Gotta get his attention, Stahn growled to himself, remembering the spell Dymlos had taught him) AFIREBALL!@ A flare of incandescent light from Dymlos, and the bear was howling in pain, a writhing creature of flame in the still whiteness.. Stahn brought Dymlos up for a final blow then, the swordian cleaving the bear=s skull like a sharp knife through fruit.

The beast-bear=s blood was already vanishing into the snow as Stahn wiped Dymlos clean in mid stride to Garr=s side. AGarr.. Garr!@ Keeling beside him, Stahn gently turned him over, snow crusted on the blue leathers. The hunter shook his head slowly, blinking like an owl. AAre you ok? C=mon, say something!!@ Stahn was leaning close to him, golden hair surrounding them both in a shimmering curtain. AGarr...@ The midnight eyes blinked themselves into clarity, then, and Garr pushed himself partially upright, his gaze fixed on Stahn=s concerned face.

AStahn.....@ The kiss was swift and fierce, and the only thing about that suprised the young swordsman, was that he wasn=t more suprised by it. He wondered irrationally if the rabbit felt so much pleasure out of being devoured by the wolf as Garr=s hands tangled in his long, sun-gold hair, consuming him in that single kiss.

Garr broke it with maddening slowness.. AChelsea.. We need..@ Stahn nodded breathlessly, lips tingling from the crushing kiss, from the sudden cold on now-sensitive skin. ARight..@

They trudged along in silence, Garr doing his best to track the girl in the deepening snow. The sky above was growing dark, the steel shading into iron, clouds like dirty cotton batting hanging low in the sky. Despite the growing cold, Stahn felt uncomfortably warm. He could still taste Garr=s kiss.. A lingering flavor that made him ache. Distracted, he almost walked into the young hunter=s back when the latter stopped suddenly. AWhat=s up?@ he asked, voice hushed in the forest=s ponderous quiet.

AListen..@ Garr whispered. There was, not far away, a young girl=s singing. She had a pretty, light voice. Garr smiled at Stahn. AThat=s our quarry..@ he chuckled, helping the swordsman up a snowy rise. They followed the sound to a clearing, where a girl sat on a log, looking mildly perturbed, futilely brushing the snow out of her rosy-pink hair.

AChelsea.@ Garr=s voice took on a stern, big brotherly tone that startled Stahn.

AGARR!@ With a delighted shriek, the girl launched herself from the log like an exotic bird, attaching herself to the hunter, who gently pried her off. AMaster sent me to look for you.@

AOh, phoo!@ She folded her arms, oblivious to Stahn=s stare. A I was with my friends, I just lost track of time! I=m not a baby, Garr! I can take care of myself.@

He cocked his head at her, resting his hands on his hips. AHe said he had urgent business for you.. Something about sewing buttons on his pants?@ Chelsea stamped her foot. AHe needs me for THAT?@

Stahn scratched the back of his head, watching the exchange. He had the distinct feeling that this was not the first time the two of them had had this particular conversation. He was brought back to full attention, when he became aware of Chelsea=s brilliant green eyes on him. AAnd who is this?@ she asked.

AThis is Stahn.. He=s out to make his fortune in the world..@ Garr patted him on the shoulder as Chelsea peered at the blond swordsman. AI=m Stahn Aerilon.. Pleased to meet you.@ He said sheepishly. Startlingly, Chelsea curtsied. AI=m very pleased to make your aquaintence, Stahn Aerilon.. I=m Chelsea Torn.. Master Alba=s granddaughter..@

Stahn blinked, ignoring Garr=s barely disguised amusement. AWow. You=ve got such good manners for someone your age!@

Chelsea made a moue, hanging onto Garr=s arm again. AIt=s so hard, growing up with old people.. And with a grandfather who can=t fend for himself!@ Garr pried her off again, gently. AChelsea...@ his voice was stern. AYou shouldn=t speak about Master that way.@

ABut he was a revered master archer! Now he=s a grumpy old man!@ She kicked at the snow again, before wilting under Garr=s unrelenting glare. AOk. Shoot. Let=s go, then.@ With that, Chelsea grabbed Garr by the hand, half dragging him in the wrong direction. AChelsea... *this* way...@ he pulled her around, giving her a gentle push in the correct direction. She colored prettily, and Stahn felt a moment of enormous, irrational jealousy. He shook his head vigorously. He=d barely known Garr a day.....but.....With a sigh and a shug, he followed behind the hunter and his ward.

Stahn=s mood was almost as dark as the iron sky by the time they=d reached Master Alba=s snug little cabin. Chelsea was a charming child. She really was, and Stahn felt a stab of guilt for disliking her, but her familiarity with the hunter, her contact with him.. The closeness she had with him at the moment..

Stahn, you=re a fool thinking with your nether-regions. Dymlos= acerbic, metallic tone rang in his head. Stahn pointedly ignored him, watching the girl dangle off Garr=s arm like some exotic flower, the constant stream of her chatter chirping around the little party like so many springtime birds.

The old man met them at the head of the path, his weathered face turned into a pleasant smile. AAh, Chelsea. I see Garr=s found you again.@ The girl huffed, stamping her small foot in the snow. AGrandpa!! I can=t keep doing everything for you!@

ACHELSEA!@ Garr snapped at the girl. AThat is no way to talk to Master Alba.@ His tone was clear and commanding. The tone of someone who was not used to being ignored. For the first time, Stahn found himself wondering who his new friend really was. He also realized his mouth was hanging open, and he quickly closed it.

There was a momentary silence as the snow fell in heavy puffs from the sky around him. Master Alba=s mild chuckle broke it. ASo. This is how you young people gang up on a poor old man...?@ Chelsea fumed quietly for a moment, her face still red from Garr=s scolding. AFine, fine, fine. I=ll do it, just this one more time, Grandpa!@ She stomped up the stairs, and slammed the cabin door with theatrical flourish.

AChelsea=s so kind@ The old man offered with mild sarcasm. ABut, Master.. Gang up?@ Garr sounded confused and there was a flash of concern across his elegant features. Stahn felt another twinge, despite his annoyance about Chelsea, and took a step towards the hunter=s side before Master Alba made a dismissive gesture. AYou=re too serious, lad. Don=t read too much into it.@ He tapped his chin. AI should give you boys a reward for returning her home again..@

Stahn opened his mouth to say that he certainly didn=t deserve a reward, when Garr spoke up. AMaster, really.. A reward for adults like us?@

Alba snorted. AThen no reward for you, Garr.@ He teased. ABut as for you, Stahn.. I=ll find you something nice..@ He patted the young man on the shoulder. He turned and headed back into the cabin, leaving the hunter and the swordsman standing in the falling snow.

AI.. Should get going to that border town.. Janos, right?@ He looked at the cabin for a moment. The unreasonable jealousy prickled at him again, and he dug the toe of his boot into a small drift. He wasn=t prepared for the expression in Garr=s deep blue eyes when he looked back at the hunter. It was brief.. But genuine hurt, quickly covered by good manners. A..of course. I did promise to guide you there..@ Garr looked out into the darkening woods. AIt might be wiser to travel in the morning, though.. These woods are not that safe.. Especially at night.@ Hemade a faint gesture to the remains of his shattered bow for emphasis.

They started back towards the cabin. It was so tempting, to spend the night in that warm little room, with another good meal...the possiblity of once again waking up in that protective amber embrace... his face heated up again, a stark contrast to the cold white flakes falling on it. AIf I stay tonight, I might never leave...@ he forced out, trying to make a joke of it, but the hunter didn=t laugh.

A.....of course....@

Inside, Garr began arranging his pack with a silent effiency as Alba loaded Stahn up with treats and a warm dinner. Chelsea=s muttered cursing could be heard occasionally from what had to be her room in the cabin. AWill you be returning, Garr?@ the old man suddenly asked over Stahn=s shoulder, and the young swordsman turned, startled. He hadn=t even heard the hunter approach.

AI have to go home for a while, anyways, Master. Now=s as good a time as any to go, I suppose.@ His deep voice was flat as he arranged his heavy woolen cloak from where it had been drying by the fire. AChelsea will be waiting impatiently for your return.@ the old man teased again, just as the girl entered the room. AGRANDPA!!@ she huffed, before turning to the young men. AGarr.. Be careful, and come back soon.@ She looked shyly at the floor for a moment. AAnd good luck to you, too, Stahn.@ Stahn smiled sheepishly at her, the stab of guilt he=d felt earlier turned into an annoying dwarf of guilt kicking him in the shins.


It was a good fifteen minutes into the darkening cold before the silence, puncutated only by their footsteps against the snowy forest floor, got to Stahn in the worst way. AGarr.. Is ...something wrong?@ It sounded lamely in his own ears, but the hunter stopped and turned to him with a wan smile, barely visible in the shadows. ANothing. Just my own foolishness.@ He pulled his heavy cloak a little tighter about him.

Stahn frowned. The disappointment left a palpable trace after Garr=s words as they trudged in silence. A chill breeze had picked up, sprinkling diamond dust from the branches upon them. It twinkled faintly against Garr=s cloak in the warm, small light of the lantern. AGarr.. Why....?@ (Why have you been so nice to me? Why did you have to kiss me like that before? Why do I want you to do it again, screw the rest of my quest?)

The hunter stopped again, maybe reading the unspoken questions in Stahn=s voice. He set the lantern down on a fallen log, and went to Stahn. He wrapped his cloak around the both of them without a word. It was a small, tender gesture that threatened to fill Stahn with homesickness. (Harvest time in Lienea.. Boy and girls around the bonfire dancing and laughing, pairing off against the chill wrapped in the same cloak.. You always offered your cloak to the girl who=d caught your fancy at the dance....)

AYou looked like you=d fallen from heaven.. A golden haired angel sleeping in the snow...@ Garr=s voice seemed deeper in the dark. AWhen I saw you.. I felt like I=d been waiting for you for a long time.. And you were suddenly here...@ He swallowed, his embrace tightening just a little bit. AMy own foolishness, I suppose..@

Stahn let himself hold closer to Garr, feeling his warmth even through their heavy clothes. AGarr.. I...@ The hunter pressed a gloved finger to Stahn=s lips. AShh. I know. You=ve got your own path.. I don=t have the right to keep you from that..@ Stahn caught hold of Garr=s hand in his own as he had before, this time, placing a kiss on the gloved palm. AI=m.. Going to find an inn in Janos.. There=s gotta be one, right?@ Stahn=s voice sounded loud to him in the quiet darkness. A..spend the night with me there?@ he stopped himself before he started to beg. A...before we both go on our separate roads?@

AI may never want to leave...@ Stahn could feel the deep voice rumble against him. A..but... it would be my pleasure..@


For such a small town, Stahn was amazed to see how busy Janos was, even at the late hour. AThere=s a lot of commerce between Seinegald and Phandaria..@ Garr pointed out, his hood pulled up against the growing cold of the evening. AThe inn=s down this street.@ It had been almost a shock to the system, after the pristine silence of the woods to come over a rise and suddenly find oneself faced with Janos.

He was tempted to ask Dymlos= opinion, but since the swordian=s sarcastic comment about his mental state earlier, he=d remained in a cold metal silence. Stahn wasn=t sure, but he could=ve sworn the living blade was....sulking.

As they made their way to the inn, Garr pointed out the town=s North Gate. ASeinegald is just through those gates. Phandaria is through the South Gate.@ Stahn glanced over at the gate with the brown clad Phandarian soldiers, then to the northern one, with the white armor of Seinegald. It was strange. AYou=re phandarian, then?@ The hunter just nodded as they ascended the broad stone steps of the Dreamscape Inn. AI travel a lot, but my heart will always be there.@

That was a sentiment Stahn could understand as he signed in for the room. Garr had made no motion to.

The room was small and neat, devoid of luxuries except for the hearth with burning embers giving a dull warmth to the room. Garr laid his cloak near it and shucked his leather armor as Stahn did the same. ANot as warm as Master Alba=s..@ he chuckled, carefully laying Dymlos on the low wooden table at the foot of the beds.

AYou didn=t want to stay there..@ Garr glanced over his shoulder, shaking the snow out of his gleaming hair. The firelight gave it a shimmer of red and gold along with the silver, and a burnished glow to the elegant lines of his amber skin. It made Stahn=s mouth go suddenly dry.

AI.. Ah.. Er..@ He turned red as the embers and turned away. (What do I say.. I was jealous of that poor girl? Oh, very noble, Stahn.. Think think think...) His train of thought was abruptly interuppted as he felt Garr=s solid warmth behind him. The hunter swept Stahn=s long sun-blonde hair off his neck, and immediately replaced it with warm lips. Stahn shivered, but felt like he might melt as well. AThe accomodations are improved by your presence..@

Amber hands slid up under Stahn=s shirt, tracing the smooth lines of his torso like a blind man=s memorizing a face, as the hunter=s mouth found the tip of Stahn=s earlobe, sharp white teeth worrying at it. The swordsman let out a long, soft sound, turning in Garr=s arms, half afraid to look in those deep blue eyes again.

Garr slid his hands up the curve of Stahn=s back, to tangle in his hair, but he just examined the swordsman=s face. ADo you want me to stop?@ he asked softly at the questioning look in Stahn=s summer-sky eyes. A..no...@ the reply was hesitant at first, but Stahn punctuated it by lifting his chin and capturing Garr=s mouth with his own. ASometimes the rabbit has to turn the tables...@ he murmured, and then he was falling again...

Into those impossibly deep blue eyes, and onto the feather ticking mattress, but there was no fear. His hunter, his beautiful wolf was there to catch him.


The late morning sun streamed in through tired lace curtains, forming a pool of warmth on the bed that Stahn snuggled happily in before lazily stretching and blinking himself awake. A pleasant burn still echoed through his body, the lingering memory of the hunter=s ministrations on him almost as pleasurable as the real thing had been the night before.

It was then that Stahn realized he was quite alone in the room. The heavy blue cloak was gone from by the fire.. Armour, bow.. Everything of the hunter in blue leather..gone. Stahn let out a disappointed sound, pulling his knees up.

I=m so glad he=s gone. Came the immediate snipe from Dymlos. I don=t like him, Stahn. Don=t trust him.

Stahn made a rude sound in Dymlos= general direction. AHe was a very nice person...@ He said wistfully as he pulled the blanket around him, looking for something the hunter may have left behind.

Oh. Loverboy left you a note. It=s on the nightstand. I really don=t trust him Stahn. He knew what I was. Dymlos= sounded positively annoyed. Stahn hopped off the bed, dragging the blanket with him. AWell, *I* found out about you.@

That=s different. You=re chosen.. The swordian was almost sulking. I=m just glad he=s gone.

Stahn shot the blade a nasty glare before reading the note, written in a fine hand on a piece of scrap paper.

AStahn. You certainly are a late sleeper. I wish I could=ve said goodbye to you, but you just wouldn=t wake up.@ Stahn rubbed his eyes, embarrassed. Not the first time his inability to get up in the morning had caused problems. AGoodbye seems permanent, though, and I feel with all my heart, that we will meet again. Good luck, Stahn. I will be thinking of you... yours, G.@

Stahn felt a smile creep across his face as he carefully folded up the letter and stuck it in his pack. ASo, you ready to face our destiny, Dymlos?@ The swordian made a little snort. Of course. It=s going to take all my powers to protect you from yourself, I see. Let=s try and just get going? No drawing attention to ourselves?

Stahn nodded as he dressed, scabbarding Dymlos and shouldering his pack. On the way downstairs, he joined some of the other guests and staff for a small breakfast, and one particular snatch of conversation startled him.

The serving girl leaned over to speak to her associate, and the two of them giggled. AI hear the prince of Phandaria is travelling abroad. He=s supposed to be a beautiful young man with silver hair.@

Stahn=s eyes widened and he excused himself from the table. (No. No way. It couldn=t be...could it?) He touched his lips where the hunter=s taste still lingered.

STAHN! Come on already!! Let=s GO! Dymlos snapped him out of it. AGeeze. Alright already. Seinegald, here we come..!@

He still had a secret smile on his face as he headed out into the day.