To access the NC-17 stories in Green Lemonade,
you'll need an Aesthesticism Vcity ID! (follow the link for more information)

The other stories/images on the site are rated "R", so if you shouldn't be reading them, please. Save us both the trouble, and don't.

Benediction (links to surisa's X-men slash archive) (m/m NC-17)
Tales of Destiny:
Fear of Falling (m/m R)
Full Circle (m/m R) UNFINISHED!!
Final Fantasy 8:
Cold Hands (NC-17 m/m. sorta. hard to explain.)

Ruroni Kenshin
Heart of Sword (m/m R Xover w/ Weiss Kreuz)
The Promotion (m/m NC-17)
Progression (m/m NC-17)

an illustration for a friend's upcoming fanfic...

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