about me [site information]

uploaded small requiem to library. OotP Spoiler warning. Don't read this if you haven't read that. ^-^

uploaded HP pic to gallery.. Sirius and Remus ^.^v

uploaded T'was The Night Before X'mas (DMC) to the library. I'm writing more stuff, but updates are going to be on hold because of committments. ^.~ :secret secret:

great googly moogly, been a while. cleaned up site, added new front page image. New fics coming soon. Got the muse. Perhaps may even finish something. :shock: Also, big news. Angelic has moved to it's own server with brand new pages. I may eventually move this site there too.

updated some more in-progress fics. Touch (Trigun), Shadows in the Green (Saiyuki), Always Coming Home Again (HP), Treat (HP)<--I am so proud! This won a Crimson Ink ML contest! Dance with me!, Dante in Underland (DMC).

updated angelic's site. New manga pages coming in april.

new fics up: Iron Chef Tsuzuki and the Eels of Doom (YnM), The Chief Chef Chase (Gatch) - both unfortunate iron chef omake. Also: Blink and Dream a Little Dream (Xenogears). Updated geardock.

fixed some missing gallery pages links.

please go visit ZERO ANGEL, the mini-site primer to my favorite j-rock band, the now largely-defunct Iceman. ^.~ (yes, yes, i know what i said about doing away with site specific pages... ^^;;;;)

got some more fanfics up. Onnagata (RK), Catch Me (C009) and Persephone (YnM) are all live now, if still in progress. Geardock's update is probably going to not happen for another month or so, so it might take that long for Blink or Dream a Little Dream to become active links.

After the abortive attempt at version 4.0, I've decided to go back to a simpler, easier to infrequently update site. ^^; Hence, what you see here.

Sort of gone are the cumbersome, site-specific pages. Everything is now condensed into the gates, library, and gallery sections, except for geardock, hokkan heaven [which is static until further notice] and of course, angelic.

Much of the material contained herein is of a rather adult nature. Stories that carry an NC-17 rating are going to remain... difficult to get to, and I request that if you shouldn't be reading something, please don't until you're old enough to.

It never ceases to wig me out that I have fans. You guys really make my day. I will try and do the same for you.


stay true to yourself. whatever self that may be.

contact | read | write
angelic | geardock | hokkan heaven | studio milk | zero angel
gallery | library | gates | renewal | celestial court

(c) 2002 studio milk/sacred cow productions